Is Bhutan open for tourism?
As of 4th April 2022, travelling to Bhutan is fully opened . Visitors entering Bhutan must meet the following conditions:
- Visas and all arrangements must be processed through a registered tour operator (like us)
- A negative RT- PCR test report taken 72 hours prior to boarding the flight to Bhutan.
- All tourists to undergo a RT-PCR test on completion of the quarantine
- Enter 5-days quarantine for vaccinate and 10 days for un-vaccinate in designated quarantine hotel
- Bear the charges for the 5(fully vaccinate ) or 10 days(un-vaccinate) quarantine (food and room).
- All covid-19 protective measures must be followed for the duration of stay in Bhutan.
- Travel health insurance is compulsory for all visitors.
Quick overview of the current transit processes at Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Bangkok.
In the interest of our valued passengers transiting through Bangkok, Drukair brings to you a quick overview of the current transit processes at Suvarnabhumi International Airport, Bangkok.
Step 1: Passengers firstly go through the Port Health Authority Check located on the 2nd floor of the Suvarnabhumi International Airport where the requirement of medical health insurance of USD 20,000 is checked.
Step 2: After the Port Health Authority check, passengers are sent to the transit area on the 3rd floor. After passing through the security X-ray check, passengers arrive at the international airlines’ transfer counters (opening time of transfer counters vary depending on individual airlines).
Step 3: At the transfer counter, the passengers have to produce their baggage tags for the counter staffs to re-tag their baggage on the onward flight. Travel documents are also checked at the transfer counter (and if all requirements are met, boarding passes will be issued accordingly).
1. For some cases, check-in at transfer counter happens very early even though the flight is only on the next day. In such cases, the boarding pass you’re issued with will not have the boarding gate number mentioned as it would not have been assigned by the airport authority yet. But the boarding pass will have the boarding time reflected and the passengers will have to keep checking on the Flight Information Display System for their boarding gate number.
2. For passengers that have already web checked-in, document check will take place at the boarding gate (but it is advisable to produce your baggage tags for checked-in baggage, if any, at the transfer counter to avoid any last minute unpleasantries).
3. Transit time at Bangkok must NOT exceed 24 Hours, failing to comply with which may result in denial of acceptance by the onward carrier and may also lead to imposition of penalties.
Is it possible to travel to Bhutan now or soon?
Bhutan has recommenced issuing tourism visas as of 5th April 2022 and travelers can apply for a visa under the mandatory conditions including 5 days hotel quarantine outlined above.
Bhutan is aiming to cautiously reopen economic activities including tourism, adapted to ‘new normal’ conditions. However, unprecedented situations may arise impacting travel plans and tour programs. We anticipate it may fully open without mandatory conditions at the end of 2022.
What is Bhutan’s situation amid the COVID-19 pandemic?
To date, Bhutan has been successful in containing novel coronavirus. Its’ borders have been closed since 23 Mar 2020 and all returning travellers undergo three weeks quarantine. Bhutan’s small and disciplined population, its strong rule of law and the Government’s effective measures have kept the virus at bay. The few sporadic occasions of community transmission have been quickly contained through lockdowns and aggressive contact tracing and testing.
To read further on this topic follow these links:
Is Bhutan’s festival schedule affected?
Since March 2020, most festivals, including Thimphu Tshechu, have been cancelled due to social distancing requirements. Since autumn 2020 a few festivals have been held with no public present. We expect festivals will be held as scheduled once tourism more fully resumes (we anticipate in 2022).
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